Anam Cara House are very grateful to the Estate of GWA Griffiths for their contribution to funding our day hospice program once again for this coming financial year.
For the past two years, they have been valued supporters of Anam Cara House, allowing us to deliver a high quality and regular service to our day hospice guests. Our respite care also allows family members and carers to take a break from their constant care role.
All day hospice guests are able to enjoy the activities on offer or simply rest and read, taking in the tranquil and magnificent surrounds of the hospice. With trained staff and volunteers, carers can be assured their loved one is receiving the care they need in a warm, home-like setting.
This important service runs each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 10am and 3.30pm. All guests receive morning and afternoon tea along with lunch.
“My Anam Cara days are my ‘me’ time, which could be just going for a walk” – Nola, full-time carer.